Let People Say What They Will! 

It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God.  Have you ever spent hours, days, weeks, or years worrying about other people’s opinions?  Have you ever attempted to make everyone around you happy?  Do you believe you can make everyone happy?  Do you believe you can make everyone like and accept you?  So often in our lives we fail to realize how important we are to God.  We spend so much time trying to receive man’s kind words until we shut God out of our lives.  The way you wake up and go to sleep usually depends on what has been said about you.  Does this sound like anyone you know?  Does this sound like you?  

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.  My friend, Let People Say What They Will!  You will never be able to please everyone.  There are some people who strive to make your life miserable.  You can have ten friends.  You can treat each of them the same way all the time.  In the end, at least one of the ten will complain that you treat him/her different.  The Bible declares in James 1:8 – A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  When you spend your time trying to please each person you encounter, your foundation becomes unstable.  You find yourself tossed to and fro.  You are who the Lord made you to be in this world.  You are here to fulfill your purpose by design.  Let People Say What They Will!  The Bible declares in Psalms 118:8 – It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

My brother, my sister, your God-given assignment will not make everyone happy with you.  There will be times when you are misunderstood and misrepresented.  You will have fingers pointed in your face.  You must stand for righteousness sake.  You must not waver.  The Bible declares in Matthew 6:24 – No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.  Let People Say What They Will!  Your anointing is not based on man’s opinion.  The success and significance of your ministry is not based on the newspaper articles.  You cannot spend your days and nights in a corner hiding.  You are chosen to help change a generation.  Some things will come with the territory.  Let People Say What They Will! Thought to Remember: Dear friend, always remember this one thing, when you had nothing to give, God gave His Son, let them talk about that! 

Scripture Reading for the Day: Revelation 3:16

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Pastor Darrick D. McGhee, Sr.

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