Who Do You Think You Are?

It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God.  Have you ever been somewhere and it seemed as though everyone was staring at you or through you?  For some reason you had the feeling everyone knew something about you that made you uncomfortable.  You began to ponder what mistakes you had made that day.  You found yourself overcome with embarrassment.  Why? You have no idea.  As soon as everyone began to look at you, the first thought that came in your mind was negative.  “What did I do wrong?”  “What have they heard about me?”  “Oh my, do they know my secret?”  Have you ever thought that maybe they see what God has birthed in you?  When you operate under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, people see it and they respect it.  Just because everyone began to stare does not mean their thoughts are negative toward you.  However, if their thoughts were negative, you still have an assignment to fulfill for the Lord.  

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.  My friend, there will come times in your life when everything and everyone will challenge you.  There will come times in your life when the comfortable no longer appears that way.  There will come times when your educational background and the contacts you have will not be enough.  There will come that time when people will ask, Who Do You Think You Are?  The Bible declares in 1 Peter 3:15 – But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:   This question comes to all who are called of God.  This question is asked usually by those who cannot handle how God is blessing you.  So often in each of our lives we have family members and friends who refuse to see the new you.  They’re stuck on how you were before you committed your life to Christ.  This new, saved, committed, and redeemed YOU is not accepted by everyone.  In spite of it all, you must be able to stand in the face of opposition and declare to everyone not only who you are but whose you are. 

My brother, my sister, the enemy will send whomever and whatever he can to detour you from your destiny.  he will allow rumors and lies to be spread against you and your family.  he will have people question you and the anointing on your life.  Some will ask, Who Do You Think You Are?  The Bible declares in Acts 19:15 – And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye.  They ask this question because they cannot accept how God is speaking through you.  Some will become stuck on your age, your gender, your race, your testimony, your past, or your anointing.  Everyone will not heed the power of God in your life.  You must be able to understand this and remain focused.  People’s opinions should not destroy the assignment God has called you to fulfill.  Attacks against you should not hinder you from obeying the voice of God for your life.  You must be persuaded that nothing shall be able to separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39).  So, the next time they ask Who Do You Think You Are?  Do not wonder or walk away.  In stead, stand up and declare I am a child of the Most High God.  Called as an Ambassador for Christ.  Prayer for Today: Father, thank You for teaching me who I am and whose I am.  I walk in covenant with You.  In Jesus’ name … Amen!  

Scripture Reading for Today: Acts 19:16-21

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Pastor Darrick D. McGhee, Sr.

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