You Can Break The Cycle!

It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God.  Are you currently stuck in a rut?  You find yourself doing the same thing, the same way, expecting the same results.  You never take any chances.  Each day you wake up you live as though the entire world is out to cheat and manipulate you.  No matter what people or God say, you still do not trust.  Are you currently stuck in the same routine each and every day?  You wake up at the same time.  Take the same route to work and to church.  You eat the same meals on the same days at the same time.  Are you currently caught between two worlds … YOUR world and everyone else’s world?  You do not feel a need to change.  In your eyes, there is no problem with you.  Everyone else needs to change.  It’s your world (so you think)!  Have you been there?  Are you there now?

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.  What makes you think the world is yours?  What makes you think the sun rises only when you wake up?  Truthfully, before you knew you, God was already existing.  God does not need you (us), you (we) need God.  Do you realize the problem you are facing?  My friend, You Can Break The Cycle!  [cycle = a periodically repeated sequence of events.]  You can break the stronghold that prevents you from living the abundant life God promised in John 10:10.  You can operate with peace of mind.  The Bible declares in John 8:36 – If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.  It is time for you and I to break the cycle(s) in our lives.  It is time for us to destroy the generational curses that started with our great-grandparents.  It is time for us to stop allowing our parent’s sins to consume our everyday activities.  

My brother, my sister, today I declare liberty in the name of Jesus.  [liberty = the right to act in a manner of one’s own choosing; The state of not being in confinement or servitude; Freedom.]  Are you tired of living the same way each and every day?  Are you tired of being so predictable?  Because of your fears of failure you refuse to step out of the box.  Child of God, in the words of Tye Tribbett, “You can change, if you want!”  You Can Break The Cycle!  You can create your own legacy.  You do not have to fight the warfare left by your past generations.  Beloved, it is time to live and not die.  You are purposed by God.  The spell has been broken off of your life.  You are free to move.  The Bible declares in 2 Corinthians 3:17 – Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.  Do not allow the blessings of God to be held up because you find yourself stuck in a cycle.  Be free in the name of Jesus.       

Scripture Reading for Today: John 8:32

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Pastor Darrick D. McGhee, Sr.

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