You Are Not Alone! 

It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God.  So often in our lives we desire for God to use us in mighty ways.  There’s something special about us that will not allow us to sit back and remain passive.  Within you have a burning to walk out the purpose and plan God has ordained for your life.  Your days and nights are spent asking God to show you what He wants from you.  Have you ever had family or friends tell you God could not use you?  For some apparent reason they believed God could not clean you up.  The more they talked, the more you believed it was possible.  The more they questioned your abilities, the more you assured them it was not about you.  Have you ever had people laugh in your face because what you were believing God for seemed ridiculous?  Since you had enough faith to believe God for it others mocked and scorned.  Have you been there?  Are you there now? 

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.  You must understand when you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior the attacks will not decrease.  The enemy will not turn and walk away from you.  The lies and vicious rumors will not diminish.  To be honest with you, all of the things may increase.  You might experience more challenges and assaults.  You might lose more friends and supporters.  You might endure times of loneliness and isolation.  However, in all that you are faced with, be encouraged.  My friend, You Are Not Alone!  You are not facing life alone.  You are not fighting off the enemy’s attacks by yourself.  The Bible declares in Hebrews 13:5 – … for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  During those times when it feels as if no one cares about you.  Or the times when you feel alone and overlooked.  Or the times when every thing around you is chaotic.  Be assured this one thing: God is ever present in your life.

My brother, my sister, what matter are you faced with this morning?  What challenge or dilemma are you dealing with?  What lie or rumor are you trying to overcome.  You Are Not Alone!  God will never allow anyone or anything to destroy you.  Even when things appear hectic in your life, God is still able to do exceeding abundantly above all you may ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).   Beloved, think about the lonely times in your life.  Think about the times when you wanted to give up but you could not.  Think about the many days you wanted to lay in bed because life was weighing you down.  How did you make it?  How did you overcome?  How did you persevere?  It was through the mighty power of God.  It was by the mercies of God.  The Bible declares in Psalms 46:1 – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  You are where you are because God would not leave you alone.  Get up and walk in victory.  Prayer for Today: Father, thank You for always being there.  Thank You for being with me when things in my life appeared out of control.  I Love You.  In Jesus’ name … Amen! 

Scripture Reading for Today: Psalms 3

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Pastor Darrick D. McGhee, Sr.

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