Our God is The Awesome God! 

It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God.  Do you realize God is able to do whatever He wants, when He wants, and how He wants?  Do you realize God is not limited by our fears and insecurities?  Do you realize God is aware of you and your needs?  Do you realize God knew you before you knew you and momma and daddy knew each other?  Do you understand there is nothing too hard for God (Genesis 18:14)?  Many times in our lives we tend to forget how Sovereign our God really is.  We often place God in the same category as ourselves.  We approach God as if He has limitations and weaknesses.  We pray to Him only when we feel He is able to do it.  While man is an imperfect being, God is perfect in every way.  There are no shortcomings or skeletons in God’s closet.  He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think of (Ephesians 3:20).  He is God.  He is Lord of all and in all.  He is before all things, in all things and the conclusion of all things. 

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.  My friend, Our God is The Awesome God!  He is not an awesome god, but He is THE Awesome God.  This means no one else is on His level.  There are no other gods or lords great as He.  The Bible declares in Revelation 17:14 – … for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful.  The limitations we have that limit us, do not limit God.  When you approach the throne room of God you must come unto Him in belief and certainty.  You must know He can and He will.  You must be confident in God’s abilities.  No matter how horrific the situation appears, you must have an unwavering trust in the Lord.  The Bible declares in Hebrews 11:6 – But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.  Our God is The Awesome God!  You will never find anything or anyone that can ever take His place.

My brother, my sister, your current situation is small to such a Great God.  The same dilemma that consumes your thoughts and robs you of your sleep, is the same dilemma God desires to free you from.  Whether you believe it or not, I know God specializes in things that appear impossible.  The Bible declares in Luke 18:27 – And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.  Beloved, Our God is The Awesome God!  He is God that sits high, but looks low.  He knows your needs before you have need of them.  He’s so much God that He can send the solution before you realize there is a problem.  Who else can do such great things?  No one but our God.  Today, what are you dealing with?  What trial or tribulation do you find yourself faced with this morning?  The Bible declares in Psalms 46:1 – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Child of God, never forget Our God is The Awesome God, He reigns from Heaven above with wisdom, power, and love.  Our God is The Awesome GOD.  Prayer for Today: Father, thank You for being the AWESOME God in my life.  I know You can fix any problem and answer any prayer.  I honor and adore You.  Bless Your name.  In Jesus’ name … Amen! 

Scripture Reading for Today: Exodus 34:14

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Pastor Darrick D. McGhee, Sr.

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