Have You Forgotten How Blessed You Really Are?

It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God.  I often wonder if we understand how blessed we really are.  Many times we forget to tell God thank you when we rise in the mornings.  We forget about those who lost their lives prior to that morning.  We often forget to bless God for the food we receive each day.  We forget about the people and families who go to bed hungry each night.  So often we enter and exit our doors at home without ever telling God how much we appreciate His provision and protection.  We forget about the people living in homeless shelters or on the streets, as well as the people who experienced burglary or assault the night before.  Have you told God thank you this morning?  Have you thanked our God for watching over you while sleeping last night?  Have you thanked our God for another day of life?  There are many people who rose out of bed with a fatal disease and illness, but they rose with praise on their lips and thanksgiving in their hearts.  What about you?  What’s on your lips or in your heart?

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.  How often do you forget to tell God thank you?  When our peers do something nice for us, or give us a nice gift, we instantly reply with a thank you.  When the Lord blesses us we act as though He took to long to respond.  My friend, Have You Forgotten How Blessed You Really Are?  In the Old Testament times, when the people committed sins, the High Priest was the only one who could atone for their sins.  Read Leviticus 16:30.  The people did not have access to the presence of God like we do today.  There was a certain time and a certain way the priest could enter God’s presence to atone for the people’s sins.  But when Jesus gave His life on Calvary’s cross, He atoned for our sins once and for all.  Read Matthew 27:51.  Through the love of Jesus, we are now able to approach our Father in His name.  Have You Forgotten How Blessed You Really Are?  The Lord has been so good to us.  When we deserved to die, He spared our lives (mercy), and when we did not deserve it, He blessed us anyway (grace).  What a mighty God we serve. 

My brother, my sister, I do not care what the enemy has attempted to do.  I do not care what others have said about you.  You are blessed.  Read John 10:10.  The enemy is out to destroy us because he knows God has His hand on us.  Have You Forgotten How Blessed You Really Are?  Beloved, you owe the Lord a radical praise this morning.  A praise that comes out of your mouth.  Not just a hand clap, but a praise where words exit your mouth.  No longer are you allowed to say, “I praise God within.”  When you needed God to do something quick in your life, He blessed you openly (not in secret.)  Read Matthew 6:6.  My friend, you are a child of God.  You are amongst the promise generation.  You are apart of the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 12:1-3).  Why?  Because, not what you did, but what Christ did for you.  Have You Forgotten How Blessed You Really Are?  Prayer for Today: Father, forgive me for ever taking You for granted.  Thank You for always watching over me.  I am blessed because You chose to bless me.  Today, I walk in it.  In Jesus’ name … Amen!

Scripture Reading for Today: Psalm 100

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Pastor Darrick D. McGhee, Sr.

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