Keep Things In Perspective!

It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God.  In our lives, there are times when we desire to be left alone.  No disrespect to anyone else, but sometimes you want to have some “alone” time.  Time where you can rest and be restored.  Time that you desire to spend uninterrupted with the Lord.  Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed with the responsibilities of life?  From the time you awake, until the time you sleep, you are on your feet attempting to keep things under control.  It seems as though everything and everyone depends on you for guidance.  Pressure on every side.  You feel stressed and strained.  Have you ever tried to vacate the premises but someone found you?  You tried to take a vacation but the phone continued to ring.  You turned off the phone but they still found you.  Where do you go for refuge?  Have you been there?  Are you there now?

This morning, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.  Somewhere along the way we have lost control of our lives.  Our circumstances have begun to dictate our behavior and moods.  You have become consumed by the opinions of your peers.  Your priorities have begun to fall apart.  Throughout the week, you look forward to Friday but during the weekend you dread Sunday evenings.  Your job has become your god.  Your business deals have become more important than your family.  Where have you gone wrong?  My friend, Keep Things In Perspective!  The Bible declares in Exodus 34:14 – For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:  While God has blessed you with abundance, He does not want you to glorify the blessings but the Blesser (which is Him.)  When your eyes open to a brand new day, what are usually thinking about first?  Throughout your day, what keeps you excited?  Who do you live your life to please?  During your day, when do you focus on the Lord?

My brother, my sister, Keep Things In Perspective!  Do not allow life to control what you do and how you do it.  God should always remain your primary contact.  The Bible declares in Revelation 2:4 – Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.  Beloved, resting is not a sin, laziness is.  Spending time with your family is needed.  The church will go on without you.  A mental rest day is necessary from time to time.  The job can survive one day without you.  Stop thinking the show cannot go on without you.  God has called you to live for Him.  The same joy and love you have for co-workers, should be the same joy and love you have at home.  Keep Things In Perspective!  God did not create you to be Him.  He is God not you.  Re-focus yourself today.  Spend time with the ones you love.  Do not wait until tragedy hits.  Prayer for Today: Father, show me where I have lost focus.  You are God not me.  Allow me to do the best I can and leave the rest to you.  Help me keep things in perspective.  In Jesus’ name … Amen! 

Scripture Reading for Today: Joshua 24:15

May God Bless you at Your point of need!

Pastor Darrick D. McGhee, Sr.

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